
New Friends

I just recently met this absolutely beautiful family, and have already become good friends with them. Isn't their mom just gorgeous? I loved this session, I even tried some new ideas! The dad is pretty traditional, and so using the frame was a little out there for him I think, but he trusted me and ended up loving the idea!! I am so glad, because I absolutely love it too!! This was SO fun!!

R. Family

This is a really fun family! Cute kids + great parents = great pictures!! How can you go wrong?

S. Family

Like a big dummy, I wore flip flops to this a barn. Yep, I'm a thinker!! I'm so grateful that this super cute family was able to put up with me stopping every 2 minutes to get sharp pokey stickers out of the bottom of my shoes, which were stabbing my feet! Despite all of that, we got a lot of really cute shots!! I love taking pictures of beautiful families!!

G Family Pictures and an unlikely location

Family pictures at a shooting range? Yes please! :) We were completely safe, and I love all of the different colors and textures that were there. Not to mention the mountains and the views, and of course this super cute family!!

Just a couple a' kids..

Oh boy, these kids are so adorable aren't they? I just love their bright eyes in these photos!! You may remember them from THIS photo session from last year.

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Hey everyone!! Thanks for checking out my photography blog! If you are interested in any photos for you or your family, please leave me a comment with an email address, and I will be sure to get back with you! Thanks everyone..I hope that you enjoy my photos!