
Senior Pics with "Z"

Senior pictures again!! :) Z. just graduated from high school, and also got his Eagle. I was excited to be able to take his pictures because this was the first time that I was taking pics of a guy. I didn't know if it would be difficult to come up with poses for him that wouldn't look girly in any way, but I really worried for nothing because it all turned out great! Z is a great kid with a ton of potential, and I am happy to know him. Good luck in the future Z, and congrats on graduating!


Losinthisdangfat said...

This is a cute blog Christel! I just realized something. This guy reminds me a lot of Michael. You are talented with taking pictures sis! Great job!

Curt, Colleen, CJ and Cassidy said...


Holy Moley! You are awesome! I didn't know that you started doing photo sessions. We are so gonna need to get together. We are in deperate need of a new family photo since Cassidy joined our fam and since CJ is 3 now I had better get some pictures done of him!

Facebook me when you have time!

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Hey everyone!! Thanks for checking out my photography blog! If you are interested in any photos for you or your family, please leave me a comment with an email address, and I will be sure to get back with you! Thanks everyone..I hope that you enjoy my photos!