
J. Family

I was SO thrilled to be able to take this families pictures for them, I mean..they seriously have the cutest family and cutest little boys!! I couldn't have asked for it to be better, the boys (even the 5 month old) smiled so great! It was REALLY cold, and so the poor littlest one was so cold! Despite the cold and wind, we got some great shots!! Three words....cute cute boys!

M. Family

Another familiar family!! When I took pictures of them for the first time, it was my very first shoot, that I shot with my brother's camera. They were so great the first time, and just as wonderful the second time around! I was also excited for this shoot, because we shot at Wheeler Farm and I had never even been there before. I love the pictures from this family, but then again how could I not when I am working with such great people!

D. Family

Remember this cute family? Well, they have added another little cutie into their family! I was lucky enough to take their family photos again, and I loved the way that they turned out!!
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Hey everyone!! Thanks for checking out my photography blog! If you are interested in any photos for you or your family, please leave me a comment with an email address, and I will be sure to get back with you! Thanks everyone..I hope that you enjoy my photos!